The longest, most dynamic and intricately timed motion-control robot move ever created. This project has been awarded the national ACS ‘Golden Tripod’ for cinematography.
4 weeks of pre-production, 1 week of set building, 2 days of robot programming, 2 days of shooting, 5 weeks of post-production and close to 500 composited VFX layers. Shot entirely on motion control robot and all timed to music to produce a single, clean, uninterrupted, 4k "shot".
Allan and his team were responsible for managing…
- Engineering a first-of-it’s-kind computerised trigger to sync the robot program to the soundtrack. Enabling millisecond perfect timing system for the camera movement.
- Execute all required 3D and VFX in-house.
- Design & manage the custom set build to work perfectly within the robot limitations, minimums & maximums.
- Intricate lighting set-up and custom neon sign build to support the required visual effects layering & footage stitching.
- Intense and precise stunt/safety co-ordination, integrating pyrotechnics within the tight set & doing a full burn on the lead singer during his performance.
Director / Director of Photography / Creative: Allan Hardy
Producer: Ariel Verri
Directing Assistant: Cameron March
Robot Technician: Brendan Isaac
Gaffers: Ben Russell and Dave Russell
Stunt Coordinator: Jimmy Christiansen
Safety Supervisor: Paul Halfy Phillips
SFX Coordinator: Clint Ingram
Armourer: Allan Mowbray
Stunt Performers: Garreth Hadfield and Jason O’Halloran
Medic: Aaron Ray
Art Director: Cliff Weideman
Set and Costume Design: Tracey Rose and Sparke Films
Make Up: Lizzie Leaney
Wardrobe: Amelia Fuller
Stills Photography / BTS Videography: Matty McFerran
Computer Engineer: Rhys McKercher and Wade Geles
Production Assistant: Brittany Blacka
Lead VFX Artist / Editor / Colourist: Joe Lancaster
Post Production / VFX Coordinator: Allan Hardy
3D VFX and Matchmoving: Marc Purnell
Additional VFX: Tim Bahrij
Sound Design: Justin Harrison